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Why is it important to test tile for stain resistance?

May 24,2023  Nex-Gen News

Stain resistance is a key factor to consider when selecting tiles for flooring and other applications. Fouling resistance refers to the ability of a surface to resist the growth of various organisms, including algae, fungi and bacteria.

Tiles with poor stain resistance can quickly become unsightly and unsanitary. This is especially true in humid environments, where microbial growth is accelerated. In addition to being aesthetically unappealing, contaminated tiles can be a health hazard because they may harbor harmful microorganisms that can spread infection.

So why test the antifouling performance of tiles? The answer is simple – make sure they meet the necessary standards of cleanliness and hygiene.

One of the most common methods for testing the stain resistance of tiles is the EN ISO 10545-14 standard.

To ensuring cleanliness and hygiene, testing tiles for stain resistance can help improve the durability and longevity of tiles. Microorganisms can cause corrosion and degradation of tile materials, shortening their service life. By choosing tiles with excellent stain resistance properties, you can ensure that your investment in floor or wall cladding will be protected for many years to come.

All in all, the importance of the anti-fouling performance of tiles cannot be overemphasized. By choosing tiles that resist staining, you can ensure your floors and walls remain clean, hygienic and safe to use. Testing tiles for stain resistance is essential to ensure tiles meet the necessary standards and protect your long-term investment.

Here is the video of Nex-gen NEW Product-Magic Stone series, Smooth Grip Finsh which has excellent stain resistance. 

Post time: May-24-2023